Michelangelo - click to enlarge
Michelangelo - click to enlarge

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis, Noah 7-9: The Flood, left view, by  Michelangelo
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis, Noah 7-9: The Flood, right view, by  Michelangelo
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis, The Fall and Expulsion from Paradise - The Original Sin, by  Michelangelo
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis, Noah 7-9: The Flood, left view, by Michelangelo

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis, Noah 7-9: The Flood, right view, by Michelangelo

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis, The Fall and Expulsion from Paradise - The Original Sin, by Michelangelo

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Ignudi, next to Separation of Land and the Persian Sybil [left], by  Michelangelo
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Ignudi, next to Separation of Land and the Persian Sybil [right], by  Michelangelo
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Sybils: Erithraea, by  Michelangelo
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Ignudi, next to Separation of Land and the Persian Sybil [left], by Michelangelo

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Ignudi, next to Separation of Land and the Persian Sybil [right], by Michelangelo

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Sybils: Erithraea, by Michelangelo

The Last Judgement: Christ the Judge, by  Michelangelo
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis, The Creation of Adam [Adam''s face], by  Michelangelo
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis, The Fall and Expulsion from Paradise - The Expulsion, by  Michelangelo
The Last Judgement: Christ the Judge, by Michelangelo

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis, The Creation of Adam [Adam''s face], by Michelangelo

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis, The Fall and Expulsion from Paradise - The Expulsion, by Michelangelo

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