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ARC is pleased to present the winners and finalists of the 2014/2015 International Salon Competition. With an approximate 2,500 entries this year by over 1,050 artists, the competition was steeper than ever. This year we have included 789 finalist works. These works represent the top 31% of works submitted. For the first time many of the works from the ARC Salon will be exhibited in a live traveling exhibition that will start at the MEAM museum in Barcelona, Spain where it will be on view from November 17-December 28th to celebrate an intense collaboration between Europe and America for representational art. The ARC salon works will be mounted at the same time the museum will mount the 8th Figurativas Painting and Sculpture Competition, organized by the Foundation of the Art and the Artists, which along with the ARC Salon is the other most important competition of representational art, where more than 2300 artists from more than 90 countries participate. The 8th Figurativas Painting and Sculpture Competition, Figurativas 2015 will run between November 17 – Januray 10th. The Official Ceremony Awards of ARC Salon winners and Figurativas 2015 winners will take place as one tremendous event on November 20th, 2015 at 19:00 hours at the European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM) in Barcelona and a Forum of American and European representational artists will take place the following day on Saturday the 21st. Works for this exhibit are still being selected though the MEAM Purchase award and the ARC Purchase awards shown below will all be included. The ARC Salon portion of the show will then travel to New York City, where it will hang at the Salamagundi Club from January 18th – February 4th. Works that are included in the exhibition will be marked as such in the ARC Salon Catalogue.
About this publication:
264 pages
789 color plates (all the works that qualified as a finalist) An introduction to the ARC Salon and our first live exhibition including an essay on the top winners and their winning works. Fine Art Defined by Frederick C Ross