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Art Renewal Center® is a 501C3 Educational Foundation: a small charity providing a vast educational and artist’s resource.
Thank you for your support of ARC and for spending time looking at the images in the ARC Museum.
The images compiled by Art Renewal Center® for artrenewal.org and the ARC Museum including the hi-resolution views are for on-line viewing only.
Our team of experts has spent countless hours compiling our collection of images and with over 65,000 images and growing, the ARC Museum remains the largest on-line museum on the Internet.
All images are free for educational use. If you would like to use images from www.artrenewal.org or www.arc-store.com for personal, non-profit/non-commercial use, you may download images found on the ARC website at www.artrenewal.org or here in the ARC Store for a small fee.
You will receive a statement of permissions from ARC.
All proceeds are used to support ARC Programs and Scholarships.
We also require that somewhere near each image, you give credit to the Art Renewal Center for the image by saying the following:
“Image thanks to the Art Renewal Center® www.artrenewal.org” **
If you would like to use these images on your website, credit must be given by linking each image back to our website, http://www.artrenewal.org as well as the above credit which must appear next to every image.
**It is important that our web address be included in the credits.
Please select the proper usage link below.
If you can verify your educational or non-profit status, you may also order through this section.
After publication, we would also request that you send us one copy.
For Commercial Publications- this includes for-profit publishers who are publishing educational editions:
Typically, we receive $750 for an internal illustration and $2000 for a cover image for any number of printings within two years. Increase that by one third for 5 year’s rights. However, prices are negotiable based on distribution.
Film rights vary. Please contact info@artrenewal.org for more information or call Sharon O'Brien at 732-636-2060 ext. 619.
You may submit a list of images that you are interested in and indicate required file size. Please indicate distribution and we will let you know the cost.